Construction Machinery

Construction Machinery

Versatile Power Packages
Constructing a six-lane motorway, excavating thousands of tonnes of soil for a new underground carpark, maintaining large areas of vegetation, reliable winter service… wheel loaders are true allrounders. With their varying sizes, they are suited just as well to large open areas as to constricted working areas. And alongside performance, eco-friendliness is a trump card – increasing use of electrical power trains safeguards valuable resources and makes the wheel loader emission-free and low-noise.

BÜTER Group is supplier of choice to leading construction machinery manufacturers in Germany and across Europe. Irrespective of whether for a diesel wheel loader or a highly manoeuvrable electrical vehicle for narrow alleyways: Our tilt, lift, stick and bucket cylinders for shovels, lifting frames and tilting cabins are designed precisely to the customer's requirements and manufactured in premium quality. Our tilt cylinders ensure perfect load distribution on the loader swing arm and the greatest stability for the entire loading system.

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