Waste Disposal Vehicles

Waste Disposal Vehicles

Clean, quiet, progressive
Waste disposal of the future is one thing above all: Ecofriendly. Municipal vehicle fleets are increasingly powered by hybrid, fuel cell or electrical drive trains, making drive technology for waste and recyclables collection both low emission and almost silent. But the hydraulic cylinders installed also make a significant contribution to clean and quiet cities and municipalities. The end-position damped press cylinder in this way assists in making the loading procedure in the collector low-vibration and low-wear at high load speeds, while also extremely quiet. 

The damping is done at the piston and rod sides. A major advantage for the vehicle maker is that the damping occurs progressively, so that the damping path is short. Rapid braking means that time loss for the damping is minimised, and in addition energy consumption falls. The damping components adjust automatically to varying loads and temperature changes, so that fine-tuning is not required on commissioning. As no check valves are required, the cylinder even deals with large quantities of oil at small sizes.

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